While it usually isn't serious, dryness and flaking skin can be frustrating, annoying and even uncomfortable. Most dry skin is caused by environmental issues, such as weather and humidity changes, which makes it easier to control, even though you may need some professional help to do so.
The Glo Facial is a 60 minute facial that will leave your irritated skin feeling soothed and refreshed. The deep cleanse and steam will open and clear the pores while the specialized mask will hydrate your parched skin.
This facial also includes:
• Facial Analysis
• Cleanse
• Steam
• Enzyme
• Specialized Mask
• Eye Treatment
• Massage
• LED Mask
Our chemical peel is a great option for those with dry skin as it helps to strip the top layer away leaving a dewy and fresh appearance.
Hydration is the foundation for healthy, radiant skin, so it's no surprise the HydraFacial is one of the most popular skincare treatments in the world, but even more so for acne. This is a non-irritating resurfacing procedure that provides cleansing, exfoliation, extractions, hydrating, and infusing the skin with intensive serums. It is non-invasive, non-surgical and delivers fantastic results with virtually no discomfort and no downtime. You won’t believe what this service removes from your skin - your pores will never feel more amazing.
HydraGenesis is a dual treatment that combines the resurfacing power of the HydraFacial with the collagen stimulating benefits of Laser Genesis. Both of these treatments have been known to aid in helping fine lines, wrinkles, evening texture, minimizing pores, and diminishing redness but one is working mostly on the surface of the skin, while the other is getting into the deeper layers and leaving a more lasting effect.